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Help us continue changing young people’s lives for the better

The big picture

Strong maths skills are more important than ever for healthy career prospects. The simple fact is that maths skills help you earn more. Yet standards are falling and participation in higher level school maths is in decline. No surprise then that the tutoring industry is booming. But what of those students from backgrounds experiencing disadvantage, those for whom tutoring is simply not an option? Not surprisingly, they are significantly more likely to leave school without any formal mathematics qualification. The vicious cycle of social inequality and immobility is perpetuated.

The Institute for Enquiring Minds seeks to break this cycle. We award scholarships to deserving students giving them access to free, high-quality maths mentoring. We bring together deserving, motivated students with enthusiastic, socially engaged maths experts in safe, stimulating environments. This is our 1-on-1 mentoring program. Passion is shared, maths is learned, lives are changed.

We also partner with industries in which significant numbers of mathematically trained graduates are employed to host industry mentoring programs. High school students are given a unique opportunity to see where maths could take them whilst refining their maths skills working one-on-one with an industry professional.

Your donation will help us continue to provide motivated students these unique learning opportunities.